2021-09-03 10:18:28 龙岩公务员考试网 https://xiamen.huatu.com/gwy/ 文章来源:【军队文职考试网】
【导读】 龙岩公务员考试网 同步【军队文职考试网】发布:2022军队文职笔试专业科目英语语法常识单选解析,详细信息请阅读下文! 更多资讯请关注龙岩华图微信公众号lyht883,龙岩公务员培训咨询电话:0597-2811883
1·According to the Official Language of Act of Canada, there are two official language in this country: they are ( ).
English and Spanish
English and Portuguese
English and French
English and Celtic
2. The Australian population is mainly of ( ) descents.
A. British
B. American
C. Japanese
D. Chinese
3.The distinction between parole and lange was proposed by ( ).
A. Halliday
B. Chomsky
C. Bloomfield
D. Saussure
4. The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication is ( ).
A. morphology
B. general linguistics
C. phonology
D. semantics